Bridging The Gap Kingston

Bridging The Gap Kingston 2012

From our visits to Jamaica in 2010 and 2011 we have a deeper understanding of how the arts can have a deeper effect within the local community.

We talked to a wide cross section of people including carpenters setting up their own business nail technicians in the street, young people and artists, musicians and more affluent business people. They all expressed the need for creative projects so they can develop ideas and initiatives, as well as develop and achieve new skills. The local people we interviewed were all interested in art and arts role in helping to deal with local social issues.

We produced short films such as “Vincent’ (which is a short film about an 83 year old Jamaican man living in Kingston. He gives his recipe for a long and happy life. Other short films produced include “The Yard” which tells the story of Alec Champagnie as he struggles to set up NGO Yabba Pot Productions in the heart of the Tel Aviv community, as a space to learn new skills and bring a positive influence for his community to express themselves creatively. We also filmed with the current Irish community living on the island, exploring the similarities/differences and connections between both countries and hustler V, which we are editing into short film called “Out and Bad”.

We also delivered art and film workshops in collaboration with young people from Studio 174 which resulted in a film screening and discussion about the work produced.

Funded by Open Vizor